IO2. Online MOOC Courses under the CEREBRUM platform for distance learning

The digital environment of the Online Asynchronous Education Platform is hosted by the Institute for Research & Training of European Affairs.

More specifically, the Online Course entitled as MOOC Course which is the Intellectual Output 2, is designed as part of the VR in School Education & Civic Participation project funded by the ERASMUS+ programme for School Education and the State Scholarship Foundation in Greece. This MOOC has been created by the Research Centre of the University of Piraeus and the Institute of Research & Training of European Affairs in collaboration with the project partners, BOLT Company, Experimental Lyceum of the University of Crete Rethymno, Lyceum of Aradippou in Cyprus, Escola Secundaria Domingos Rebelo High School in the Azores of Portugal and the European School of Brussels in Belgium.

Leading Organisation: University of Piraeus Research Center

Participating Organisation: Institute of Research & Training on European Affairs

In order to access the IO2 material, sign up to the platform here and express your interest for the Lesson “VR in School Education & Civic Participation”.

MOOC Courses are an innovation in the field of education, as they are Massive Open Online Courses that you can follow asynchronously, online and according to your own free time from the comfort of your home.

In the courses developed, the user will be able to receive information and an introduction of each of the 7 Thematics of the project, through a variety of options for each, using innovative and attractive ways of presentation.

In particular, the thematics of the project concern:

  • Safe usage of the Internet and of Social Media 
  • Bullying at schools and Cyber bullying 
  • Human Rights and a multicultural environment in Europe 
  • European Citizenship and Rights 
  • Environmental Behavior 
  • Sustainable Growth in the European Union 
  • Circular Economy in the European Union and abroad 

Each thematic module is spread into 6 main sub-sections:

1. Self-assessment test of general knowledge on the topic

2. Introductory video on the topic

3. Video presentation of the thematic

4. Presentation of the thematic

5. Self-assessment test 

6. For further reading

In each thematic section, the user can watch the introductory videos and video presentations as many times as they wish, download the presentations in pdf format to their own computer, and also refer to the “For further reading” section, where users will find a variety of options of useful tools, links and scientific articles and publications that will help them better understand the topic, or even go deeper into it if they wish.

A key element in the way the Modules of each thematic are designed is the process of self-evaluation of users in 3 stages, so that we can extract useful results initially for the extent of the user’s understanding of the basic concepts of each thematic, but also to evaluate whether their general knowledge on each topic has improved after they have successfully followed and completed each Thematic Module.

Specifically, at the beginning and the end of each Thematic Module users are kindly requested to take some time to answer 20 short multiple choice questions, where they are given the opportunity to evaluate the knowledge they have gained by comparing the results of the two tests. In addition, at the end of the entire cycle of thematic modules, please take some time to answer 50 short multiple choice and Right/Wrong questions to assess their ability to separate the basic concepts presented in each topic. The users can repeat each test as many times as they wish, and with the successful completion of all thematic and self-assessment tests, the project team will provide the users with the Certificate of Attendance and inform them of the next stages of their participation in the project and the Virtual Reality game.

The scientific team of the project, the researchers, trainers and teachers who collaborated in the production and evaluation of the content of each module, have prepared material friendly, easy to read and a user-friendly environment, interactive and enjoyable presentations, covering the most important aspects in each thematic.

The main objective of this MOOC is to prepare teachers and students in the thematic discussions and negotiations of the Virtual Reality game for the next phase of the project, which is the European Youth Council’ Simulation.

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